아이엘츠 라이팅 - 레스토랑 추천 편지 쓰기
IELTS Writing
오늘 샘플 라이팅 주제는 레스토랑 추천하는 편지 쓰기입니다.
지역 신문사에 평소 자주 방문하던 레스토랑을 칭찬하면서
이유를 제시하고, 어떠한 점이 좋았는지 묘사하면 되는 편지에요.
구글에서 레스토랑을 검색하면 영어로 된 후기 들 중에,
서비스, 직원들의 태도, 음식의 양, 음식의 맛 등에 대해서 설명하고,
가격측면이나, 위치, 주차 등등도 언급한 경우가 있어요
이러한 이유들을 참고해서 편지를 쓰면 되겠네요^^
Sample Writing
IELTS Writing Task General (Task 1)
Sample 1 1. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You had a good meal in a local restaurant with your family. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell them about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth visiting. You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir, |
I am a long-standing member of our local community and I am writing a recommendation to other citizens for one of our fine neighbourhood dining establishments; The Lone Star Café.
There were many impressive attributes which struck me upon my entrance, such as the décor and ambience. I particularly enjoyed the laidback attitude of the place. But for my mind, it was the service along with the size and quality of the portions that were most memorable.
The service was professional yet intimate, and along with the sheer quantity of the dishes served, motivated me to pass on my recommendation. I enjoyed a steak of mammoth proportions and a giant fresh, crisp salad accompanied by a selection of appropriately selected seasonal vegetables. The piece de resistance, however, was the rich Black Forest gateau served as dessert–and all for a reasonable price.
I hope after reading this, potential customers will frequent this diner – Bon appetite.
Yours truly
(161 words)