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아이엘츠 라이팅 샘플 - 학교 숙소 배정 받기


IELTS Writing

오늘 샘플 라이팅 주제는

학교 숙소 정보 구하기 입니다. 

학교에 입학을 하면서 accommodation 즉, 숙소를 구하고 

숙소에서 학교까지 얼마나 걸리는지

숙소 배정에 특별한 요구사항이 있는지,

숙소에 언제 입실할 것인지 등등에 관해서 정보를 알려주고 문의를 하는 편지입니다.

Sample Writing

IELTS Writing Task General (Task 1) 

Sample 1 1. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are going on a short course to a training college abroad. It is a college that you

have not been to before. Write a letter to the accommodation officer. 

In your letter :

give details of your course and your arrival/departure date

explain your accommodation needs

ask for information about getting to and from the college

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ................. , 

 model answer: 

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I will be attending the Advanced Life Insurance course, being held from Tuesday 24th April until 27th April, at the University of Hartford.

I will be arriving on the afternoon of Monday 23rd and will be leaving on the morning of Saturday the 28th of April, so I will require a single room for this time. I would prefer my own bathroom if this is possible, but do not mind sharing if I have to; however, as I am wheelchair bound, the room will have to be disability friendly. Could you please tell me how much this will cost and how I should make a payment? Do you accept VISA? As I do not know the area, I would also be grateful if you could provide some information about getting to and from the University. Will I need to take public transport from the station or is there a University bus service? Any information on what to see and do in the area would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

Alex Jones 

(184 words)